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Turkey Breast with orange bourbon marinade


I love this recipe that is easy, flavorful and perfect for a small thanksgiving or shabbat.



1 large turkey breast

rosemary fresh 1 branch

1 orange juice and zest

2 shots bourbon

3 cloves garlic

olive oil

salt and peper




1. Pound the breast a bit totnderize then wrap around the rosemary and garlic. Salt a pepper the inside.

2. Prepare the orange juice, zest and bourbon and marinate the turkey roast for 1 hour minimum.

3. Braise the turkey breast in a covered pan for 1 hour at 350 F or 180C or until 70 degrees c on a thermometer. Uncover for 5 minutes to create a browned crown. Remove at 80 Degrees, tent and let rest for 15 minutes.


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