Life is out of control all the time. Often I feel that truth to be like a passive nonissue. Gd is in control and all is well. There are times when those circumstances trigger my deepest fears, of being trapped, of being without choices, of being without resources.
For that reason, I have learned the most transformational system to help myself get out of that state and back into a state of alignment with Faith, and my own inner freedom.
This system recharges my batteries by reminding me that I am not trapped by outside circumstances, that I have choices, and that I am busting with resources.
It can do the same for you. It can take you out of the state of fear and lack and put you back into abundance.
Step 1: Get full of new knowledge. This atomic habits book club will give you a fresh new perspective on habits, change, your struggles, and the resources you have at your fingertips every day you breathe.
Step 2: Take the Challenge. When we challenge ourselves to do something small but intentional we make a choice. Only people with inner power can make choices. The choice to commit to reading or listening to an audio book for 10 minutes 5 days a week for the next 30 days. We begin Tuesday, May 25 at 9 pm Israel 11 am PST and 2 pm EST. Every day you complete your commitment you prove to yourself that you are in charge of your destiny and that you make decisions that matter and impact your future.
Step 3: Give back: When come to our weekly zoom party prepared with something to offer, a line from the book that impacted you, or something you applied to your life from your reading that week, you are using the resources you have, to give to others. You are abundent. You have more than you need because you have what to give. You are not in lack and fear, you have transformed your state to gratitude and generosity. I know these feelings are temporary. Here is the secret, all feelings are temporary. So let's create a life by design that includes as many positive feelings as possible.
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